Monday, March 10, 2014

What if You Could Say...

Can you imagine how free you'd feel if you did not have to censor yourself?
What if you did not have to rethink every thought, every impulse, every experience or emotion?

Did I hear the wind whisper "trust"?

I suppose in a way we have some sort of anonymity through music and art; even fiction the ultimate mask by which we scream freedom, or run.

But imagine for just one moment letting your guard down, speaking your truth without thought to consequences.  Consequences like hurting a stranger or lover, sister or brother, father or mother?

Sometimes we can't reveal what we are feeling inside.  The fears that entwine and bind us seem to struggle endlessly with the faith of the heroes before us.  Are there such things as real heroes anymore?

For years and years I wondered.  We see the world with its generosity, diversity and culture, and yet we also witness such horrors we are struck speechless.  Speechless to strike out and say what?  What you are feeling, thinking, hating, praying?  Yes, because amid all the chaos we wonder, is it our truth or our fears screaming?  How can we tell?  How do we know?

And, the wind whispers "trust".

Breath, relax, have faith, but think, reason and look for patterns.  Above all watch and wait.  Take inventory of what's at stake, because there is always something at stake isn't there?

I used to live in a dream world where every thing would be okay.  You know that line we feed ourselves when we are lost at sea tossing about in a storm so dark, so encompassing you're afraid the candle will blow out.  Which brings me back to fear and self censoring...the coward's way out, the generous one's way out, the compassionate one's way out.

I take back what I said about fiction, perhaps blogs are the ultimate cover.  Technology is beautiful and liberating and yes, unfortunately I suppose dangerous, but show me any one thought, action, creation that can both aid and harm depending on the hand, or heart wielding it.

We are all teachers, all of us, well at lest I've a strong suspicion of such.  When I stop and look for patterns I discover that most of the people and relationships in my life have been a cry from my soul begging me to understand some point of view.  What better way to understand than to experience.  But, wisdom is not gained without price.

And the wind whispers "trust".

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